Quest Institute


The Covid-19 Rollercoaster and Anxiety

Anxiety and covid-19 As I write this, we are entering the eighth week of lockdown in the UK and we are all experiencing varying levels of uncertainty, anxiety and perhaps other emotions triggered by the ...

Anxiety and Cognitive Hypnotherapy

People often come to me for help and as they walk into my room they say the words, " I know I have to live with my Anxiety, but ....." It's a belief that many ...

Exam Failure

If you are reading this post then the chances are that you have experienced exam failure and your world has or might be about to collapse around your feet... The word 'failure' is a horrible ...
hypnotherapist herts

5 Ways to Feel Comfortable at Parties…

When Parties Feel Like Torture I have always hated parties. I always hated having to make small talk and had an overwhelming feeling that I was the dullest person in the room. It was the ...
hypnotherapist Hertfordshire

Fear of Travelling

When Travel Becomes Frightening...   It’s summer time and, all over the country, people are excitedly preparing to travel for their holidays. Some will be flying off to warmer climes, others will head off to ...
Sarah Ariss Confident Childbirth Hypnobirthing Herts

Hypnobirthing in Hertfordshire with Sarah Ariss

What is Hypnobirthing? Hypnobirthing is simply an approach to pregnancy, the birth of your baby and life after the birth. It is an approach based on positivity, deep relaxation and calm. Most hypnobirthing classes will ...

How Does Anxiety Feel?

Who Suffers From Anxiety? The clients  who come to see me are normal people, just like anybody else. And yet so many of them are suffering from an invisible condition, a condition that they fight ...
Sarah Ariss Cognitive Hypnotherapy


Perfection Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. One person's perfection is another person's "I'm not good enough." Its all subjective and, ultimately, a movable feast. In my work as a therapist I am ...
sarah ariss pnmh

Perinatal Mental Health

PND and Me Perinatal Mental Health is an area that interests me greatly. By this I mean the mental health issues surrounding pregnancy and the year after the birth of a baby. There are various ...


I heard a ping tonight and a message of support came through on my phone. A friend had thought I seemed sad today and she had decided to contact me, just to see if I ...
sarah ariss butterfly confidence


Confidence is something that comes and goes in my life. In certain situations, with certain people I am like a blonde Dawn French - loud, funny and prone to the occasional dance on a table. ...


Positivity is not something that everyone has. When faced with a challenge, or a dilemma, some people's first reaction is "I can't do that!" For example, when I wrote a post about Relaxation and how ...


Relaxation & Mental Health First Aid Relaxation, taking time to be kind to yourself, is a huge part of keeping mentally healthy. Not long ago I went on a Mental Health First Aid course. Its ...